Renewing your registration

​To ensure continuation of your Full Registration, Provisional Registration or Limited Registration, you should apply to renew your registration at least 28 days before it expires.

If your application for renewal of registration is submitted more than 28 days before your registration expiry date, you will continue to be registered until the application is finalised.

If your application is submitted less than 28 days before the expiry date, your registration may expire before the renewal is finalised.

The Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA) will send a renewal of registration reminder at 6 months, 4 months, 35 days and 8 days before the registration expiry date. You can apply to renew your registration at any time and you don't need to wait for the reminder. 

Requirements for renewal of registration

At each renewal of registration, the TRBWA needs to be satisfied that the teacher:

I wish to renew my Full Registration

An application for the renewal of Full registration must be completed. Current application fees can be found on the Schedule of Fees.

Can I renew Limited Registration?

A Limited Registration can be renewed, but only by your employer (applicant).

Limited Registration will only be renewed where the applicant, the teaching position and the qualifications/skills required to undertake the duties continue to be the same.

An application for the Renewal of a Limited Registration must be completed.

Current application fees can be found on the Schedule of Fees.

Can I renew my Provisional Registration?

At the end of the Provisional Registration period, if you cannot meet the requirements to move to Full Registration, there is scope to apply to the Board for consideration of sufficient reasons. For more information, please refer to the Consideration of Sufficient Reasons for Renewal of Registration Policy .

If you would like to apply to the Board to consider your situation, please complete and submit the 'Application to Renew Provisional Registration' online form available through Teacher Login.

Current application fees can be found on the Schedule of Fees.

What are my obligations to renew my registration if I am a relief or part time teacher?

As a relief teacher or part time teacher your obligations are the same as for a full time teacher and depend upon your category of registration.

​Application processing times

The Board makes every effort to process applications for renewal of registration as quickly as practicable. Most applications are processed within ten weeks. Many applications take less time but some may take longer depending on the complexity of the application. If you submit and pay for your renewal at least 28 days before your expiry date, your registration will continue and you will continue to appear on the Register of Teachers, until your application is finalised (even if that is after your expiry date).