Notifications to the Board

Section 42 of the Teacher Registration Act 2012  (Act) requires employers of registered teachers to notify the Board, where the employer has reasonable grounds to suspect that a teacher has engaged in serious misconduct or may have taught with serious incompetence, that results in a teacher:

  • being dismissed or suspended from teaching at the educational institution; or
  • resigning or ceasing to teach at the educational institution

Notifications must be given within 7 days after the day on which the later of the two circumstances occurs. Failure to comply may incur a penalty of $5000.

Notifications are to contain the following information:

  • the teacher's full name
  • the teacher's registration category
  • the teacher's registration number
  • the reasons for forming a suspicion as well as the reasons for dismissal or suspension

Note that, regulation 26(5) of the Teacher Registration (General) Regulations 2012  protects employers from any civil liability as a result of providing this information to the Board.

Section 42 notice from employer

For further information, please contact the Assistant Director, Investigations and Compliance on (08) 9223 9101 or